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Weverka Learning Academy Grants

November 27, 2018

Weverka Learning


Can you imagine the lasting impact of a planned gift toward a community?  In 2016, Burwell Public Schools found out they were the recipient of such a gift.  In 2016, Burwell Public Schools were notified that the Mary Lou Weverka estate endowed a gift of $377,769 to Burwell Public Schools.  The monies are to be used to provide “educational opportunities” for the students who attend Burwell Public Schools.  Each year for the life of Burwell Public Schools, the school will receive approximately $17,000 to make a difference in student’s lives.  The monies will live in the Burwell community forever.  What a gift! Her carefully planned endowment has the ability to impact every student who attends Burwell Public Schools.

                Mary Lou Weverka was born June 22, 1926 to Carl and Rose (Quinn) Treptow 10 miles south of Burwell.  She was one of three children.  Mary Lou grew up and received her education at District #56 through the 8th grade.  Mary Lou moved to Burwell where she stayed with her grandmother and she attended Burwell High School, graduating in 1944. While in Burwell she worked at McMullen Grocery and Clothing for two years.  She took summer school so she could obtain her teaching certificate.  Following graduation she moved home where she taught at a small country school three miles from home.

In 2019, the Weverka Learning Academy will be established to provide educational opportunities to students in all grades.  The goal of the Weverka Learning Academy is to fund sustainable projects that will have a lasting impact on the education of Burwell students.  Burwell Teachers, Staff and Administrators who are employed at Burwell Public Schools can apply for the learning grants starting on January 1, 2019.  The first Weverka Learning Academy Grants will be funded starting on March 1, 2019.  A community selection committee will be established and The Calamus Area Community Fund advisory board will oversee the grant program.    

The Power of Establishing An Endowment….A Lifetime Gift!!!

Weverka Learning Academy Grants

The Weverka Learning Academy has been established to provide educational opportunities to students in all grades.  The goal of the Weverka Learning Academy is to fund sustainable projects that will have a lasting impact on the education of Burwell students.  The applications for the grant will be available starting January 1, 2019.  The first Weverka Learning Academy Grants will be funded starting in March 2019.  The Calamus Area Community Fund advisory board will oversee the grant program and have final say in all grant payouts.   The Weverka Learning Academy will be reviewed and evaluated on an annual basis by the Calamus  Area Community Fund. 


Important Deadlines:

January 1, 2018                 Applications will be available to Burwell Public School Teachers & Staff

March 1, 2018                    Applications are due Wednesday, March 6, 2018 (4:00 pm).  Applications are turned into Mr. Bird

June 30, 2018                     Monies are to be spent by June 30, 2018

Selection Process (three-steps)

Step One:                            Application submitted

Step Two:                            Weverka Selections Committee (committee is made up of teachers, administrators, and community members)

Step Three                          Calamus Area Community Fund Advisory Board


Who Can Apply?

Burwell Staff, Teachers and Administrators currently employed by Burwell Public Schools


Weverka Learning Academy Grant Reimbursement:  Reimbursement will be through the Calamus Area Community Fund (Weverka Endowment) under Nebraska Community Foundation.  Invoices will be paid through the Burwell Public Schools Activity Fund and a Disbursement Form will be submitted directly to the Nebraska Community Foundation. 


Can you apply for Weverka Learning Academy Grants more than once?

Yes,  the final selection determination will be made by the Weverka Selection Committee and the Calamus Area Community Fund Advisory Board.


Where This Money Came From:

In 2016, Burwell Public Schools received a planned gift in the form of an endowment from the Mary Lou Weverka estate.  Mary Lou Weverka was born June 22, 1926 to Carl and Rose (Quinn) Treptow 10 miles south of Burwell.  She was one of three children.  Mary Lou grew up and received her education at District #56 through the 8th grade.  Mary Lou moved to Burwell where she stayed with her grandmother and she attended Burwell High School graduating in 1944. While in Burwell she worked at McMullen Grocery and Clothing for two years.  She took summer school so she could obtain her teaching certificate.  Following graduation she moved home where she taught at a small country school three miles from home.


Weverka Learning Academy Grant Application

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