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Health/PE Syllabus


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                                                                                Mrs. Smith's   Health & P.E. Classes Syllabus

       HEALTH- Monday & Wednesday's.   Students will sit in assigned seat, and have all assignments done on time. If late, 1st time- let you finish,

       2nd time- graded as is.   Phones in pockets. Bring all supplies, chrome book, paper, pencil & book.  

      PHYSICAL EDUCATION- Tuesday, Thursday & Friday-   

       1. We will meet by the office and put phones in the basket. 2. Students will have 3 min to dress, need t-shirts & shorts/sweatpants, shower supplies.

      3. Spandex  and large holes in t-shirts is not allowed. 4. The back doors to the locker room are to stay shut, and is messing around in locker room = detention

        = 1 hour starting at 3:30.  5. Students must dress out every day and work to the best of their ability to receive 50pts. DAILY.  6. If SICK- you will have to                complete an PE. pkg on a sport, to earn the 50 pts,.  1 week to turn it in.  7. Students will have 10 min. to shower, - MUST BE OUT BEFORE THE BELL!

         IF late out of the showers- lose 10pts. 

        Point system used in all classes and combined for final grade.


Courses Course work Point values
Health  Daily assignments 5-100
Projects 5-400
Ch test  5-175
Physical Education Daily grade 5-50
Activity Tests 5-100
Science classes  Daily grade 5-50
Activity Tests 5-100

Point system used in all classes and combined for final grade

Student points/possible points equals final grade.

A 96-100                       C 80-83

A- 94-95                        C- 78-79

B+ 92-93                        D+ 76-77

B 88-91                          D 72-75

B- 86-87                         D- 70-71

C+ 84-85                        F 69 & below


Physical Education Grading Rubric




A (4)



B (3)



C (2)



D (1)



Cooperation and responsible personal behavior



Student always follows directions and always demonstrates responsible personal behavior.



Student follows directions and demonstrates responsible personal behavior most of the time.



Student follows directions and demonstrates responsible personal behavior some of the time.



Student rarely follows directions and rarely demonstrates responsible personal behavior.



Sportsmanship and responsible behavior



Student always works well with other students and always demonstrates responsible social behavior.



Student works well with other students and demonstrates responsible social behavior most of the time.



Student works well with other students and demonstrates responsible social behavior some of the time.



Student rarely works well with other students and rarely demonstrates responsible social behavior.



Participation and effort with skill practice



Student exhibits constant effort during skill practice and will participate in any activity assigned.



Student exhibits constant effort during skill practice and will participate in any activity assigned most of the time.



Student exhibits constant effort during skill practice and will participate in any activity assigned some of the time.



Student rarely exhibits constant effort during skill practice and rarely participates in assigned activities.